Friday, November 30, 2012

Holy,Holy, Almighty God------Christ Ahnsahnghong

Christ Ahnsahnghong is our savior in this age.

According to the bible, second coming jesus come again in last days in the flesh.

Let worship God Ahnsahnghong and check it our through the bible he is real God .

Holy ,holy ,Almighty God Ahnsahnghong  !
Hosanna, hosanna, eternal praise and thanks to You!
Though the world does not know God the Creator, we know God by His grace ,we are truly blessed.
We lift up our eyes to Mighty God.
Glory, thanks and praise to God forever!

Worthy, worthy, Jerusalem our Mother!
Hosanna,hosanna, eternal praise and thanks to you!
Even before the earth's foundation was laid, Mother had chosen us for the new covenant.
We lift up our eyes to Mighty God.
Glory thanks and praise to God forever.

Monday, November 26, 2012

New Jerusalem---Heavenly mother

I really thanks to father and mother because they give me salvation and Eternal life.

I am always longing to see New Jerusalem.

New Jerusalem o new Jerusalem, o new Jerusalem!

You have come down out of heaven, O Mother!

By God's great sacrifice, holy temple has been built.

As on earth it has been built, the glory of heavenly temple shines.

Holy  name of God Ahnsahnghong is on every marble wall.

Ahnsahnghong our Father and our Mother's love on every pillar.

Mother's word flows from the temple as the water of life.

Praise to the new Jerusalem echoes through the whole world.

This temple doesn't need the sun or the moon  to shine on it.

The light of the glory of God shines on Jerusalem as a lamp.

All nations come to the light, come to Her light.

New Jerusalem new Jerusalem new Jerusalem our Mother!

Forever more  your glory will shine forth.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Love does not boast----Christ Ahnsahnghong

                                               Love does not boast

Love does not boast...
We can not be perfect love without mother.
Only through  Elohim God's patient can give us real love.
I'm so happy with you who are God the father and God the mother!!

The verse, “Love does not boast” in 1 Cor. Chapter13  did not really touch my heart in the past.  I actually could not understand what love has to do with boasting.  Since I didn’t deeply think of boasting and lay it up in my mind, I easily boasted of myself in front of brothers and sisters.  Then, I judged myself of those who feel uncomfortable with such boasting that they are lack of catholicity.

Without knowing such behavior is arrogance, I have wrong thoughts that God would rather compliment me. Meanwhile, I had an opportunity to look at myself through words and behaviors of one of my colleagues at work.

When taking some training after entering the company, he often got praises from a senior member on his skills of repairing the machine sand assembling the parts.  Actually, I already knew some of them but …

Then a senior said, “I am the best in this field.  If you learn from me, then you could be the best too.” That surely was the comment that makes high of him.

Even if anyone can gain the basic skill by learning within 2~3 days, the senior member praises himself, which gave me unpleasant feeling and I started to see him from totally different perspective.

Then, I thought to myself, ‘When I boasted of my preaching ability, my fruits and preaching ability, how would God see me?  Also, when speaking a word of boasting, how would brothers and sisters see me?

At that moment, I was so ashamed of myself.  Then, I could realize why it says, “love does not boast” in the Bible.

When I realized that words of boasting myself could give others unpleasant feeling,I gave thanks to God who let me know what I should fix for myself.

From now on, I would try not to be a foolish child who makes high of and shows off myself.

 I would like to be a child who only makes high of Elohim God making the history of gospel with allowing us the power and wisdom.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Love that waits --- Christ Ahnsahnghong

I 'm so impressed by this essay.
I thought  heavenly mother who is our  savior in this world.
I can feel how she feels cause of us.
Heavenly mother always think about us that how can we go to kingdom of heaven.
Thanks you so much heavenly father and heavenly mother!!

Taking care of toddlers, I severely scold them whenever they make mistakes.

My heart hurts, but I decided that it is for the child’s own good to point out their faults.

However, rather than scolding them all the time, I found out that when I embrace them, the children seemed to change.

Scolding may change a person that moment, but it doesn’t last long.

Though love does not change a person right away, as time passes by, that person realizes, and 
that realization stays touched in his heart. I think that eventually changes that person.

While walking on the gospel road, there are cases when we have different thoughts from each other, and things don’t turn out as the way we want to.

Whenever that happens, it makes me concerned.

Is it helpful to tell the brother or sister about their mistakes, or is it better to just wait restraining myself?

Both seem to be right, but I find myself brooding which one is right.

The answer was in Mother’s love; what I’ve seen, heard and felt.

Whenever I made mistakes, Mother never told my faults.

She waited until I realized by myself, and hid and embraced my faults.

As time passed by, and when I lately realized my faults, Mother’s love came to me, moving me.

That love gave me strength, for me to put on effort to change myself.

Though every moment, I try to resemble Mother’s heart, when I face difficult situation, it doesn’t turn out what I thought to be.

This is the evidence that I haven’t change into love yet.

Now, carrying emotionally surging Mother’s love, I also will become the child who shares that kind of love.  

The Riddle of a Hen---God the mother

We are like a chick.
Heavenly mother always bee with us like hen.
Hen take care her  children all the time so the chicks are so comfortable and safe.
Thank you for heavenly mother.
You always be with us who are sinner..

On the back side of a factory, on a dark small hill, twenty hens were raised.

The hens grew, inside a fenced around hen house, fed by the workers.

But a few days ago, something strange happened.

One of the hens disappeared and came back, one after another, in repetition.
For this, one of the workers reported to a broadcasting station, and they came to cover the story.

For the crew, the fence was too high which wasn’t easy for the hens to go over, and it was impossible for them to pierce through the net made out of steel.

Although a hen expert gave out an opinion that the ratio of the roosters and the hens weren’t suitable which made a difficult environment for the hens to live, he couldn’t figure out the hen’s show up.

So they watched by installing cameras on several places. However, they could not find anything peculiar. Meanwhile, one of the hens that disappeared returned.

And now they observed by installing a positioning device on the hen’s leg.

Even throughout the harassment of the roosters, the hen ate well, jumped over the fence, and went somewhere.

It was unbelievable how it jumped over the high fence in an instant.

The crew quickly chased after the hen, but it hid somewhere.

Eventually they found the hen using the positioning device, and something was happening that they could never think of.

The hen was nesting on the hill, in between the piles of tire waste.

The expert assumed that with the conditions cats appearing frequently, and the harassments of the roosters, the hen house wasn’t a place to nest; so avoiding that place, it laid its eggs on the place where it thought was safe.

The hen, nesting, was quite different from when it was in the hen house.

The hen rolled its eggs front to back, left to right, for them to receive the warmth evenly, and for the eggs which it couldn’t quite sit on, it showed sensitivity of covering them with leaves that it collected.

The hen’s strong maternal instinct is really touching.

Seeing that this insignificant creature’s love towards its child may be so passionate, it made me realize how immeasurable God, Our Mother’s love would be.

Would there be a person more blessed than us, receiving God’s love?

Father and Mother I truly thank You.