Thursday, September 27, 2012

Lunch that I ate with my heart---Christ Ahnsahnghong

Our father is real God who created everything and all of  the world.
Nobody knew Christ Ahnsahnghong was christ in the lasts  day.
And give to us salvation and eternal life.
I really give to him honor and glory with my heart.

In my workplace, we all have to take care of our own lunch expenses personally.
To save my food expenses, I packed my own lunch. One day, I overslept, so I couldn’t pack my lunch, so I just took few bananas and went off to work.
Since I filled my stomach with bananas for lunch, as time went by, I felt hungry.
Working with a hungry stomach, I suddenly thought of Heavenly Father.
Masonry is a tough labor, and it consumes massive sweat and energy. However, father had to make do with barley porridge every lunch.
Father eating barley porridge, He Himself being ridiculed and persecuted by His creation, leaving behind all difficult situations and conditions, He would have choked thinking about His children. I felt heartbroken.
Though I saw Father’s sacrifice through the video, I actually never understood His heart.
Being hungry, I realized the barley porridge meal that Father had was for my wages of sin.
While Father was here, it was a difficult time, so it was hard to imagine having a hearty meal.
Nowadays, we’re living in a time where there’s plenty of food and we can eat anything that we want.
I miss Father so much, who saved His children suffering in hunger.
Though He allowed me to eat and grow up well, I complained feeling unsatisfied. I look back at my sins and repent.

Engraving again and again, God’s words of ‘give thanks in all circumstances,’ every day, under any kind of sufferings and pain, I will think of Heavenly Father and Mother’s sacrifice and live a life of repentance.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I do!! Teaching of heavenly mother

Elohim God always teach us  loving one another
And cover brothers and sister's faults.
It was so difficult for me.
Bur I can do it with God .


Teachings of Mother

For me, 「Teachings of Mother」 was just words hung up on a frame, and words that was just pasted at the very first page of my Bible.
And I thought that I was keeping the Teachings of Mother..
Nevertheless, when I faced the Teachings of Mother in reality, only then, looking at myself who was forgetting the Teachings of Mother, shed tears of repentance.
What if I still put on practice, the Teachings of Mother, even though the person didn’t know how to give love, but took it as if it was a natural thing to receive?

When someone praises me, what if I didn’t receive that praise but returned the glory to God?
In that way, I would have had the habit of returning glory to God, every moment, even on smallest things.
What if I have had put on effort to see brothers and sisters beautifully, even if I had grudge against them and saw their faults.
When a brother or sister wanted something that I also wanted, what if I had yield, not wanting them to yield, and not complaining but understanding?

When I was sad because a brother or sister didn’t understand me, for the second time, what if I thought of myself that I am a sinner and didn’t feel disappointed?
When a brother or sister didn’t work together but wanted to find something easy, what if I didn’t think ‘why is he or she thinking that way?” and just firmly worked on my job with a heart of joy?
What if I had always thought of God’s grace; loving this sinner, if I had thanked with positive mind even though I had something unfair.
If I had timely praised even though there weren’t anything to be praised, and loved each other.
Remembering that humans are all sinners, prophets or the followers must have faults, if I didn’t think negatively but embraced them even if I saw some faults.
If I have thought of God’s example being humble and lived wanting to be more humble.
If I had sacrificed for the things that I couldn’t do, or sacrificed for works that were difficult for me.

If I had patiently thought of Heavenly Kingdom instead of wanting even the smallest pain to go away.

If I had served with a broad mind, the brother or sister who wanted to be served, thinking of God who came to this earth to serve.
If only I had lived in the teachings of Mother…
If they want to be loved and recognized, I just need to love. If they want to be served, I just need to serve. If others don’t work, I just need to work without question.
The Teachings of Mother was the solution for the things happening everyday in my life.
The solution for hardships, the guidebook for changing a person to a heavenly being, the preparation to go to heaven... that is the Teachings of Mother.
I also make a resolution for today:
To live every hours and seconds in the Teachings of Mother….
When the reality and the Teachings of Mother go against each other, may the Teachings of Mother inside me win.
So I make a resolution again, to be a child resembling Mother.