Friday, January 25, 2013

Ahnsahnghong Our Father Said---Christ Ahnsahnghong

God created everything all of the world.
And our father Christ Ahnsahnghong taught us we are his children.
He is almighty God but he give to us everything what he has.
When we go to kingdom of heaven he give to us his ones.

Ahnsahnghong our Father said, "I'll give the crown of life to him who overcomes and who endures till the end."
O mighty God heavenly Father is with us
we will overcome and stand firm in our faith.The devil our foe slanders God and the truth,but God will overcome him withour fail.
God almighty our heavenly Father is with us.
we will triumph over all that comes our way.

Jerusalem our Mother said unless a grain of wheat dies, it remains alone after dying it brings forth much fruit
O gracious God, heavenly Mother is with us
we'll be children who love one another The devil our foe always persecutes us, but Mother will protect and lead us
God of grace and love heavenly Mother is with us
we'll be children who love one another.

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