Before Christ Ahnsahnghong came to this earth and showed us the real God's word, we have not followed God's word, in spite of believing in God.
Nevertheless,we had thought we believe in God well keeping the Sunday worship. But Sunday worship is not the God's word. But we had not known this fact!
Therefore Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother came to us and taught us the real God's word,the Sabbath day.
Here, obedience refers to "obedience to God's word." Through the Bible, God makes us fully realize the fact that those who do not obey God's word cannot enter eternal rest God has prepared-the kingdom of heaven-in the end
Salvation only comes from God. So if we do not obey the word of God who is the source of salvation and has control over our salvation, it is no different than giving up our salvation. God has already made known to us His purpose and plan for our salvation through the Bible.
If we truly look for salvation and hope for heaven, we must follow God's word. That's why the Bible tells us not to add to or subtract from the words of the Bible which is able to make us wise for salvation.
The word of God is not the Sunday worship but the Sabbath day,Saturday!!